Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Hat

This is the turquoise hat of truth I am wearing . Although, a tramp once said to me, as I walked past him without giving him any money, "Is that your happy hat?" to which I responded in the affirmative even though I hadn't been aware of the fact previously. Clearly, said tramp was indeed a wise and sagelike seer if he was generous enough to bestow names upon random headgear in this manner without so much as asking me for the wherewithal to buy a cup of tea/tin of cat food/bed for the night/wrap of heroin. Mind you, it's not the first time I have received insight from unfortunates, I was once told by another such down and out that the fact I had middle toes longer than my big toe indicated that I was psychic. I have yet to receive proof of that but I'm keeping my third eye peeled. Speaking of which, I have a question: if we see things clairvoyantly with our third eye does that mean we would hear things clairaudiently with our third ear? Answers on a postcard please.


Joanne Hartley said...

love this pic

dormerportal said...

Gud innit